Sharjah Freezone
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Sharjah Media City (Shams)
A world-class hub for media and creativity in the region. We make creative entrepreneurship accessible and inspire business growth. We foster a vibrant and connected ecosystem for innovators to live, learn and co-create.
Sharjah is the third largest of the 7 emirates in the UAE. The UAE is recognized as a trading hub in the whole world, where the non-oil sector contributes to 70% of the GDP – 45% of which is contributed by Sharjah’s trading activities. Setting up a business in Sharjah is a simple process due to the emirate’s business-friendly laws and modern infrastructure. Sharjah Media City, or Shams, was launched in January 2017 with a vision to be a world-class hub for media and creativity in the region. Like other free zones, Sharjah free zone also issues licenses to companies, freelancers and entrepreneurs wanting to set up a business.
- No need of Physical presence in the UAE to register your new company
- No need of NOC to setup your company
- 100% foreign ownership
- 100% free transfer of funds
- No restriction on capital repatriation
- 0% import or re-export duties
- 0% personal income tax
- No restriction on hiring foreign employees
- No paid-up share capital or annual audit
- All processes are easy, digital, and very cost-efficient
Types of License
- Service License
- Trading License
- Industrial License

Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF-Zone)
At SAIF ZONE, we offer you the attractive tax-friendly benefits combined with complete ownership in a designated free zone at an unmatched strategic location. With every detail thoughtfully structured and robust service support, we provide plenty of opportunities to connect and collaborate so you can focus solely on growing your business.
Sharjah Airport International Free Zone, also known as SAIF Zone, is one of the most exclusive free zones in the UAE. It is built adjacent to the Sharjah International Airport. SAIF zone provides appealing business opportunities to entrepreneurs and investors. SAIF zone is known as the symbol of efficient operations – the better alternative for business ventures in the UAE and across the world. Sharjah Free Zone is the best place to set up your business not only because of its foreign investment benefits but also because it provides access to over 2 billion consumers in the Middle Eastern and North African region.
- 100% foreign ownership
- 100% repatriation of capital and profits
- 100% exemption from income and corporate taxes
- License issued within 24 hours
- On site labor accommodation
- Sponsorship and visas for all staff
- Access to over 2 billion customers Strategic location
- 24-hour hotline for equipment and provision of labor
- Global and regional communications with excellent air, land, and sea links
- Simplified procedures
- Back up services provided by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Sharjah Expo
- Competitive structure of fee, property, and management
- 24 X 7 Operations.
- No restriction on hiring of 100% expatriate workers, and many more.
- Economic wage structure and no restriction on hiring of 100% expatriate workers, and many more.

Types of License
- Commercial License
- General Trading License
- Service License
- Industrial License